ADONI is the italian community of researchers and scientist working in the field of adaptive optics.
ADONI gathers together astronomers and technologists from INAF (the Italian Institute for Astrophysics) and other institutes and universities, for the study, development and implementations of novel technologies for astronomical imaging, both from ground and space.
Adaptive optics is a technology to compensate the effect of the atmospheric turbulence on astronomical images and enhance the resolving power of large telescopes.
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Breaking news!
The two towers (II) (7/27/2020) Initial verifications on the M4 OTT …
The two towers (I) (7/25/2020) OTT, the test tower to measure the M4 mirror, is now ready for final integration! …
Wavefront sensing in the VLT/ELT era + AO workshop week (6/30/2020) Due to the COVID-19 situation, the following AO events were momentarily suspended in Europe: the AO workshop week in March/June… …
Are you an ADONI member? In the whiteboards you will find the news and the calendar, in the Resources a lot of useful stuff.
- ADONI workshop postponed (3/12/2020) Following the DPCM issued on March 4th, the IV ADONI Workshop, scheduled on March 30th to April 1st 2020 in… ...
- Post-doc (2/17/2020) Instrumentation post-doc ...
The two towers (II) (7/27/2020) Initial verifications on the M4 OTT ...
The two towers (I) (7/25/2020) OTT, the test tower to measure the M4 mirror, is now ready for final integration! ...
15th Consortium Meeting di MICADO – Stay at home (4/1/2020) The 15th Consortium Meeting of the MICADO instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope was held from Monday 30 March to… ...
It’s shopping time! (3/18/2020) Approaching to the MAIT phase (Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration, Test) it is time to do some shopping! Let's have a fully… ...
- On-sky correction of non-common path aberration with the pyramid wavefront sensor (4/7/2020) The paper deals with with the on-sky performance of the pyramid wavefront sensor-based Adaptive Optics (AO) systems. These wavefront sensors… ...
- Optical calibration and performance of the adaptive secondary mirror at the Magellan telescope -dup (2/17/2020) Runa Briguglio, Fernando Quirós-Pacheco, Jared R. Males Abstract In this paper we describe the procedure for the optical calibration of large size… ...
Now on air
Go to the whiteboard to find out what’s going on!
The two towers (II) (7/27/2020) - Initial verifications on the M4 OTT Read more....